The Edge Gallery is a local business supporting local artists. Established 2 years ago by Steve Losh, the gallery has been through fires, devastating floods and Covid 19, which has seen many forced closures.
“As I am proud to support our local artists, closing the gallery permanently was never an option,” says Steve. After securing new premises in Pultney St after the floods that ripped through the original gallery, Steve now has over 60 artists on his books with almost 300 paintings sold.

The exhibition room is a highlight of the new gallery and is booked until mid 2022. Popular local artist, Roz Baker, is exhibiting her work in early November. Why not support us and our local artists with a visit.”
Roz Baker joined the local art fraternity later than most and is better known to many around the Manning and Great Lakes region as an author and public speaker. She humorously claims that she is a writer who paints, but hopes she may reverse that one day to be, a painter who writes.
When the fluid art craze hit the world in recent years, Roz discovered an art form she thought she could actually compete in, little knowing that paint brushes would be replaced by hair dryers and every manner of scraper and kitchen utensil known to man. The process involves layering multiple colours of acrylic paint in a tumbler, which is then poured through funnels or colanders, or scraped, blown or spun into a desired composition. It is messy but great fun. The technique guarantees unique pieces that can never be duplicated. Roz also works in resin and produces some quirky pieces in mixed media.
While Roz confesses this is not fine art, she is delighted that many of her pieces have found homes locally and across the state and was pleased to be awarded a commendation for one of her initial pieces. She is thankful for venues like The Edge Gallery, which give artists in all genres an opportunity to showcase their work. An exhibition of Roz Baker’s work will be on display at The Edge, until Nov 6th, followed on the 8th by Taree artist, Janny Pringle Brown…Definitely worth a look.