(Growing Older well)
Robert Dessaix
Brio Rrp $32.95
Is there a formula for growing old well? It seems not, but our erudite, pithy, witty, no nonsense friend leads us on an entertaining yet sometimes sensitive and fragile tour, as he visits friends, places- lofty, literary, and little – family and acquaintances, and, along the way, probes where they’re at this point in their lives.

All share regrets and reminiscences, secrets and lies.
Robert is a pithy, witty, and sensitive guide as he weaves in journeys, conversations, close family connections; ( dear Rita, the mother of his partner Peter Timms provides some poignant, precious and pointed moments!)
Robert isn’t one for sham or falsity. Probing, honest and always entertaining, it’s a book as good as sitting around the table late in the evening on the last bottle of wine as we face the future in the company of old friends.
Sad, touching a little scary as one contemplates the future facing seventy plus, but the book is amiably comforting and good company.
Like Robert.