Jimmy Barnes.
Harper Collins Rrp. $34.99

Jimmy Barnes has made his mark as a writer since his vein opening, pull no punches, heart touching memoir, “Working Class Boy” and its sequel “Working Class Man” published to great acclaim.
Now in a change of pace and style he’s produced something different, but equally entertaining and touching, a book of reminiscences; funny, sad and thoughtful stories.
For those of us who’ve watched his COVID videos, singing along with the family accompanied by his talented and warm wife Jane, this book makes you so want to be a part of Jimmy’s family as he shares outrageous, and funny and interesting anecdotes, and sometimes bares his soul.
Makes me wish I’d kept a diary. All the little things as one travels, has down time, mad times, family times. As Jimmy says, “All the little things that happen along the way, on the long road home.”
He’s a born storyteller. I look forward to his next book.