With the closure, sadly, of so many bookshops, a smart publishing guru, Bernadette Foley, has come up a great idea – The Big Country Book Club. This is an online book club which you join and buy books but have access to a selected choice from a publisher and editor who understands books and writing.
Plus it’s like being part of a book club even if you never leave home.
Bernadette selects a range of books each month and offers blogs and reviews from others including advice and help on writing. Bernadette is a fine editor and to have someone help and comment on your writing, is a great and generous plus.
Wandering around a large bookstore where the staff had read the books, had a knowledge and love of books and their authors so could advise you, is a rare find these days.
Bernadette says, ‘People often tell me they are overwhelmed by the range in bookshops where staff are not so knowledgeable, and also the choice online can be confusing. So I decided to make buying a great book easy, fun and reliable for readers all around Australia.’
She is planning online events so readers can make contact with authors and other readers. And there’s also a Clubhouse for young readers.
See bigcountrybookclub.com.au.
Disclosure – Bernadette Foley is a friend and was Di Morrissey’s editor for several years.