Voters in Lyne, across the Manning Valley and Great Lakes from Wauchope to Wingham, Dungog to Diamond Head, Hawks Nest to Harrington, Taree to Tuncurry and every town and locality across the region

. . . History is Calling!

The Referendum will take place on Saturday 14th October 2023.

On that day voters will be asked to support the recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders peoples in the Australian Constitution by establishing a Voice to Parliament. The Voice will provide advice and represent local voices and communities from across the country.

Pat Farmer, a former Liberal MP, and ultra marathon runner who is completing a Run for The Voice, had a big Manning welcome over two days. He was met by locals in Taree for brekky and conversation hosted by 2 Bob Radio (FM 104.7). He then met with Forster locals later in the day, including a Q & A session in the evening. The next night Pat joined Bulahdelah locals for dinner and conversation about why he is voting Yes. 

Biripi young woman Jessie Cochrane (Year 9, Taree High School), welcomed Pat at the Taree brekky. Jessie spoke about how the Voice could help with the need for “more support for kids at school”. 

Aunty Janice Poulson welcomed everybody at the Forster Neighbourhood Centre. She especially welcomed Pat to “beautiful Worimi country”. She highlighted how “we have a terrific bunch of kids here and it’s great to have the support for our community”

Pat has been running across the country and completes his journey at Uluru in October, where the First Nations people invited the Australian community to “walk with them in a movement of the Australian people for a better future”.

People across the Lyne electorate have been responding to this invitation by volunteering, putting up posters, organising local events and activities to spread the word to support a Yes vote in a positive respectful and hopeful way. There’s been stalls at markets, park runs and road side promotions, guest speakers, leafleting, importantly lots of conversations including around the Kitchen Table and direct phone calls to voters answering their questions and giving information to help them. 

On 17th September people can show their support for a Yes vote by taking part in the Walk for the Voice in Taree. We’ll be joining walkers all across Australia as part of a national Walk for Yes. 

New volunteers are always welcomed and needed as we work to encourage Lyne voters to vote Yes. To volunteer go to https://www.yes23.com.au/lyne_for_yes

https://www.facebook.com/manning4yes email manningmanning4yes@gmail.com

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