Dr Noman Swan
Hachette Rrp $39.99

This a book one hears as much as reads! Dr Swan’s gentle Glaswegian brogue is very familiar to us these days from his daily Coronacasts on ABC’s Radio National as well as his journalism and media appearances.
And typically his book is readable, relatable and refreshing. A handy reference too. It’s promoted as the “ultimate health guide from Australia’s most trusted doctor” and it is down to earth, practical with often amusing anecdotes. One feels one knows him as a friend as much as a doctor with his no BS asides and advice. The index is excellent and the book covers almost every small and out there health worry. He doesn’t pontificate or make us feel guilty, and no, we don’t have to be resilient, brave and positive all the time. It’s okay to be vulnerable, fed up and downright shitty on occasion too.
From sex to salt to stress and social media, it seems he hasn’t missed a subject. It’s current, relatable, and readable.
It’s not like visiting the doctor at all, but sitting yarning with a friend over a wee dram or two of the good stuff.