GACCI is pleased to offer COMMUNITY ART CLASSES in Gloucester to be tutored by local artist Karen McPhee.
Classes will accommodate artists of all abilities from beginners to advanced to create art in an informal and friendly environment. Three hour classes will be held over a nine week period and will cover various approaches to artmaking from traditional to contemporary.
Artists will be able to work at their own pace either on their own project or the set class project of the day. Students will learn different techniques and approaches to drawing and painting and be introduced to various mark making materials including charcoal, graphite, inks, pastels, acrylic and oil paints.
With an emphasis of ‘no right or wrong’ and with a ‘try it and find out’ approach encouraged, students will discover the endless possibilities within their art making practice.
Please bring any art materials that you have, an easel if you have one or can borrow, a flat board for working on, any sized paper, A3 or A2 is good, (butchers is fine and available at most newsagencies), bulldog clips or pins or tape to fix paper to board, charcoal (willow or compressed) or soft graphite pencil (5-8B).
We will discuss materials further including paint colours and drawing and painting surfaces in class. A list of suggested online art material suppliers is available.
Karen McPhee is an artist who enjoys the exploration and journey of drawing and painting. Her artmaking is divided between studio based studies that include still life and figurative work, and the experience of working outdoors (en plein air) using direct observation and available light to study and sketch the landscape for her studio work or to complete a work onsite, (alla prima), all in one go.
Karen holds a Bachelor of Visual Arts (Sydney College of the Arts) and a Fine Arts Diploma (TAFE Hunter Institute).
Karen’s work can be viewed on Instagram, karen_mcphee_art, or on her Facebook page, karenmcpheeart.