Stuart Rowland
Self published $60
This is a hefty, very readable, almost encyclopaedic book in its breadth and detail of our iconic Murray Cod.
Stu with Murray Cod Stu Rowland and John Stinker Clarke Broughton Island Nov 2013
Freshwater fish and rivers have a unique place in Aboriginal culture, history and heritage. The Murray Cod can grow to 100kg and were so sought after they and other freshwater species almost disappeared in the 1970s.
Stuart Rowland was a scientist with NSW Fisheries for over 33 years. He developed hatchery techniques, described the biology of Murray Cod, identified and named the Eastern Freshwater Cod and the Mary River Cod, ran one of our first conservation projects, identified infectious diseases of native fish and farming techniques for Silver Perch.
Stuart’s research influenced management and conservation, so much so that stocks are recovering and biodiversity has been restored to many areas.
Stuart’s family has close links to the Murray Cod and rivers. 150 years after explorer Major Mitchell named the Murray Cod peelii in 1831, Stuart named the endangered Freshwater Cod ikei after his grandfather Ike Rowland 150 years later.
There are over 600 glossy pages of information for the layman and the scientist. read about aboriginal culture and fishing, explorers and settlers, scientists, research techniques and adventures, old mates and great characters.
Order directly from Stuart –
Dear Stuart
I was sorry to hear [but glad for you] that your book Codfather had sold out. My book shop in Bentleigh told me that news. I heard you you on the ABC ” All over Australia”. If you ever have a reprint please let me know as I have a friends husband who would really enjoy reading it. He fishes on the Murray and Edwards Rivers.
Best wishes
Alyson Hyde