Your say – Forster-Tuncurry Bridge

Dear Editor,

I enjoyed the story on the Forster-Tuncurry bridge and punt in your last issue.

On completion of the Forster-Tuncurry bridge in 1959 there was to be a fireworks display to commemorate the opening.

My wife and I took our young family from Darawank to Tuncurry to witness this event and to let our small children see their first fireworks display.

A good crowd was lined up on the bridge to see the spectacle launched from a nearby sand island in Lake Wallis.

First a skyrocket went up and burst above the lake. Roman Candles followed lighting up the island’s edge.

There seemed to be quite a coloured display which silhouetted a number of figures running flat out away from the display.

What was happening? All eyes were on the island. Then suddenly the stored fireworks that were to be displayed went off together making a terrific explosion!

Apparently a spark had ignited the night’s fireworks.

Thus the opening of the Tuncurry-Forster bridge went off with a bang!

Peter Crossley

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